yds bala癟lar

Purpose Conjunction – Ama癟 Bala癟lar覺

Purpose Conjunction – Ama癟 Bala癟lar覺 Ana c羹mlecikteki yarg覺n覺n amac覺n覺 belirten yan c羹mleciinin ba覺nda kullan覺l覺rlar. 襤ki tanedirler ve ikisi de ayn覺 anlamdad覺rlar. ……….mesi i癟in anlam覺ndad覺rlar.

Concession Conjunction – Z覺tl覺k Bala癟lar覺

Concession Conjunction – Z覺tl覺k Bala癟lar覺 Concession taviz, 繹d羹n demektir. Gramatikal olarak z覺tl覺k anlam覺 vard覺r. Ayr覺ca bu gruba contrast bala癟lar覺 da denilebilir.

Cause Conjunction – Sebep Bala癟lar覺

Cause Conjunction – Sebep Bala癟lar覺 Sebep bala癟lar覺 ana c羹mlecikteki eylemin neden ger癟ekletiini anlatan yan c羹mleciin ba覺da bulunur. Bu bala癟lar覺n hepsi de …….d覺覺 i癟in anlam覺ndad覺r. Ayr覺ca zaman uyumu bu bala癟larda da vard覺r.

YDS Bala癟lar (YDS de s覺k癟a kar覺la覺lan bala癟lar)

Yds i癟in 癟ok 繹nemli bala癟lar覺n listesi;

YDS 襤癟in Mutlaka Bilinmesi Gereken 36 Bala癟

Aa覺da YDS de devaml覺 kar覺la覺lan 36 bala癟 ve anlamlar覺 vard覺r.

2012 Sonbahar KPDS 3. Bala癟 ve Preposition Sorusu ve 繹z羹m羹

Soru: —- philosophers had started to put received wisdom to the test of rational examination, another fundamental question rapidly became obvious: How can we know? A) Once B) Only if C) Unless D) In case E) While

2012 Sonbahar KPDS 2. Bala癟 ve Preposition Sorusu ve 繹z羹m羹

Soru: —- the 47th anniversary of Winston Churchills death, historians are reassessing the complex figure who carried Britain —- its darkest times. A) From / with B) At / of C) To / for D) On / through E) About / in

2012 Sonbahar KPDS 1. Bala癟 ve Preposition Sorusu ve 繹z羹m羹

Soru: Losing weight is not only —- anticipating swimsuit season or squeezing into skinny jeans, but it also means fighting a serious illness —- the obese. A) by / against B) in / within C) about / for D) beyond / upon E) at / towards

2013 襤lkbahar YDS 5. Bala癟 ve Preposition Sorusu ve 繹z羹m羹

Soru: The European Commission has put forward that policies to cut greenhouse gases will not work —- individuals share the vision of a low-carbon society. A) provided that B) after C) but D) while E) unless

2013 襤lkbahar YDS 4. Bala癟 ve Preposition Sorusu ve 繹z羹m羹

Soru: Animals trapped in a stone called amber are sometimes so well preserved that they look —- they have just died. A) so that B) in case C) as though D) even if E) now that