‘There is’ ve ‘There are’ Kullanımları ve Aralarındaki Farklar


‘There is’ ve ‘There are’ Kullanımları ve Aralarındaki Farklar

There is aşağıdaki durumlarda kullanılır.

  • Tekil isimlerde,
  • Sayılamayan isimlerde,
  • 3. ÅŸahıs tekillerde (he, she, my mother, my sister)


– There is my on the comer.
– There is a lot of in the street. There must have been a flood.
– There is a big cat in frontgogmy house.

There are aşağıdaki durumlarda kullanılır.

  • 3. ÅŸahıs çoÄŸullarda(my sisters, they, the students etc…)


There are many people sitting on thetbench.

There are many dogs in the street-

There are sites on the lntemet that are really good.

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