Seperable (Ayr覺labilir) Phrasal Verbs

Aa覺daSeperable (Ayr覺labilir) Phrasal Verbs yap覺s覺 ve Phrasal Verbs listesi mevcuttur.

Seperable (Ayr覺labilir) Phrasal Verbs

Nesne, phrasal verbs den sonra gelebilir, veya c羹mleyi iki k覺sma ay覺rabilir.

  • You haveto dothis paint jobover. (Bu boyamay覺 tekrar yapman gerekir.)
  • You haveto do overthis paint job.

Aa覺daki Phrasal verbslerin nesnesi zamir olduunda, bu iki k覺sm覺n ayr覺lmas覺 gerekir

Fiil Anlam rnek
blow up Patlamak, havaya u癟urmak The terrorists tried toblow upthe railroad station.
Ter繹ristler demiryolu istasyonunu havaya u癟urmaya 癟al覺t覺lar.
bring up Bir konudan bahsetmek My motherbrought upthat little matter of my prison record again.
Annem, o kadar da 繹nemli olmayan sab覺ka kayd覺mdan bahsetti.
bring up ocuk yetitirmek. It isn’t easy tobring upchildren nowadays.
Bu g羹nlerde 癟ocuk yetitirmek kolay deil.
call off 襤ptal etmek Theycalled offthis afternoon’s meeting
leden sonraki toplant覺y覺 iptal ettiler.
do over Bir ii tekrar etmek Dothis homeworkover.
Bu 繹devi tekrar yap.
fill out Bir formu doldurmak Fill outthis application form and mail it in.
Bu bavuru formunu doldur ve postala.
fill up Tamamen-az覺na kadar doldurmak Shefilled upthe grocery cart with free food.
Sepeti tamamen, bedava yiyecekle doldurdu.
find out 繹renmek My sisterfound outthat her husband had been planning a surprise party for her.
K覺z kardeim kocas覺n覺n onun i癟in s羹rpriz bir parti d羹zenlediini 繹rendi.
give away Birisine bir eyi bedava vermek The filling station wasgiving awayfree gas.
Benzin istasyonu bedava gaz veriyordu.
give back Bir eyi geri vermek My brother borrowed my car. I have a feeling he’s not about togiveitback.
Erkek kardeim arabam覺 繹d羹n癟 ald覺.Arabay覺 geri vermeyeceini d羹羹n羹yorum.
hand in Bir eyi onaylamak (繹dev yapmak) The studentshanded intheir papers and left the room.
renciler, 繹devlerini tamamlad覺lar ve s覺n覺ftan 癟覺kt覺lar.
hang up Telefonu kapatmak Shehung upthe phone before she hung up her clothes.
K覺yafetini asmadan 繹nce telefonu kapad覺.
hold up Geciktirmek I hate tohold upthe meeting, but I have to go to the bathroom.
Toplant覺y覺 geciktirmekten hi癟 holanm覺yorum ama lavaboya gitmem gerekiyor.
hold up (2) soymak Three masked gunmenheld upthe Security Bank this afternoon.
癟 maskeli ve silahl覺 adam G羹venlik Bankas覺n覺 bu 繹leden sonra soydular.
leave out Atlamak, 癟覺karmak, savsaklamak Youleft outthe part about the police chase down.
(Polisin kovalamas覺yla ilgili b繹l羹m羹 atlad覺n.)
look over incelemek, kontrol etmek The lawyerslooked overthe papers carefully before questioning the witness. (Theylookedthemovercarefully.)
Avukatlar tan覺klar覺 sorgulamadan 繹nce evraklar覺 dikkatlice incelediler.
look up Bir listenin i癟inde aramak You’ve misspelled this word again. You’d betterlookitup.
Bu kelimeyi yine yanl覺 yazd覺n.Doru yaz覺l覺m覺na baksan iyi olacak.
make up Bir hikaye veya yalan uydurmak She knew she was in trouble, so shemade upa story about going to the movies with her friends.
Ba覺n覺n belada olduunun fark覺ndayd覺 bu y羹zden arkadalar覺yla sinemaya gittiini uydurdu.
make out Duymak, alg覺lamak He was so far away, we really couldn’tmake outwhat he was saying.
O kadar uzaktayd覺 ki onun ne s繹ylediini duyamad覺k.
pick out Se癟mek There were three men in the line-up. Shepicked outthe guy she thought had stolen her purse.
S覺rada 羹癟 adam vard覺.C羹zdan覺n覺 癟ald覺覺n覺 d羹羹nd羹羹 adam覺 se癟ti.
pick up Bir eyi kald覺rmak The cranepicked upthe entire house. (Watch thempickitup.)
Vin癟 b羹t羹n evi havaya kald覺rd覺.
point out Dikkat 癟ekmek, belirtmek As we drove through Paris, Francoisepointed outthe major historical sites.
Paristen arabayla ge癟erken, Francoise bal覺ca tarihi yerlere dikkatimizi 癟ekti.
put away Saklamak Weput awaymoney for our retirement. Sheput awaythe cereal boxes.
Param覺z覺 emekliliimiz i癟in sakl覺yoruz.
put off Ertelemek We asked the boss toput offthe meeting until tomorrow. (Pleaseputitofffor another day.)
Patrondan toplant覺y覺 yar覺na kadar ertelemesini rica ettik.
put on Giyinmek Iput ona sweater and a jacket. (Iputthemonquickly.)
Bir s羹veter ve ceket giydim.
put out S繹nd羹rmek The firefightersput outthe house fire before it could spread. (Theyputitoutquickly.)
襤tfaiyeciler yang覺n覺, b羹t羹n evi sarmadan s繹nd羹rd羹ler.
read over Dikkatli okumak Iread overthe homework, but couldn’t make any sense of it.
devi dikkatli okudum ama hi癟bir ey anlamad覺m.
set up D羹zenlemek, kurmak My wifeset upthe living room exactly the way she wanted it. Shesetitup.Kar覺m sofray覺 tam istedii gibi haz覺rlad覺.
take down Not etmek These are your instructions.Writethemdownbefore you forget.
Unutmadan bu bilgileri bir yere not et.
take off K覺yafet 癟覺karmak It was so hot that I had totake offmy shirt.
Hava 繹yle s覺cakt覺 ki ti繹rt羹m羹 癟覺kartmak zorunda kald覺m.
talk over tart覺mak We have serious problems here. Let’stalkthemoverlike adults.
Yaad覺覺m覺z ciddi problemleri t覺pk覺 bir yetikin gibi tart覺mal覺y覺z.
throw away atmak That’s a lot of money! Don’t justthrowitaway.
Pahal覺 bir ey o! Sak覺n atma.
try on K覺yafet denemek Shetried onfifteen dresses before she found one she liked.
Beendii elbiseyi bulana kadar on be tane k覺yafet denedi.
try out denemek Itried outfour cars before I could find one that pleased me.
襤stediim arabay覺 bulana kadar d繹rt tane araba denedim.
turn down Bir eyin sesini k覺smak Your radio is driving me crazy! Pleaseturnitdown.
Radyonun y羹ksek sesi beni rahats覺z ediyor.L羹tfen biraz sesini k覺s.
turn down (2) Reddetmek, geri 癟evirmek He applied for a promotion twice this year, but he wasturned downboth times.
Bu y覺l iki kez terfi etmek i癟in talepte bulundu ama her defas覺nda geri 癟evrildi.
turn up Bir eyin sesini y羹kseltmek Grandpa couldn’t hear, so heturned uphis hearing aid.
B羹y羹k babam duyamad覺覺 i癟in kulakl覺覺n覺n sesini a癟t覺.
turn off Elektrii kapamak Weturned offthe lights before anyone could see us.
Kimse bizi g繹rmeden 覺覺覺 s繹nd羹rd羹k.
turn off (2) Mide buland覺rmak, tiksindirmek It was a disgusting movie. It reallyturnedmeoff.
O kadar k繹t羹 filmdi ki midem buland覺.
turn on Elektrii a癟mak Turn onthe CD player so we can dance.
CD 癟alar覺 a癟ta dans edelim.
use up boaltmak The gang membersused upall the money and went out to rob some more banks.
Gangsterler b羹t羹n paray覺 boaltt覺lar ve birka癟 banka daha soymak i癟in gittiler.


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