Monthly Archive:: January 2016
襤lgi Zamirlerinin Edatlar 襤le Kullan覺m覺 I saw the book which you are lokking for. (Arad覺覺n覺z kitab覺 g繹rd羹m.)
By ve Until / Till Aras覺ndaki Kullan覺m Fark覺 By: …e kadar Until / Till: …e kadar 襤kisi de ….e kadar anlam覺na gelen bu iki edat aras覺nda 癟ok 繹nemli bir kullan覺m fark覺 vard覺r.
Reduction of Noun Clause a) 繹zneler ayn覺, e zamanl覺 (that clause) that kalkar, y羹klem to infinitive (to do format覺) yap覺l覺r. He is happy that he is here.
Noun Clauses – If ve Whether Kullan覺m覺 1) Y羹klemden sonra whether veya if kullanabiliriz. [object of a verb]
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