yds cümle tamamlama soruları

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 7. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Some firms provide special services for frequent buyers such as encouraging repeat business with discounts ——–. A) because their previous experience may not be relevant B) so that making purchases from them becomes a part of the customer’s routine C) although this practice is similar to the process of problem solving D) when consumers

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 6. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: A 10% increase in the cost of hospital services would cause poorer households to cut back their hospital care by 4.7%, ——-. A) in spite of the fact that many developing nations subsidize medical care by about 5% B) thus the difference between poor and wealthy households is even larger C) whereas the wealthy

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 5. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Although plays were being written as early as 300 BC, ——–. A) the Greek audience’s view of the stage was framed by the landscape and sky B) Roman theatres included large amphitheatres for the audience which could be built into hills C) the action of the play took place on a raised stage or

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 4. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: If they are striving to do their work ethically, ——–. A) history teachers will need to discuss the moral implications of events with their students B) no one can effectively teach children how people should behave in a conflict C) citizens’ worldviews are often related to the realities of their daily lives D) there

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 3. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: When employees lack skill and interest, ——–. A) performing a job well means people should also help manage it B) expecting them to lead a project successfully is unrealistic C) the goal would be to increase communication in a unit D) unnecessary interference and distractions will cease E) too much appraisal will make it

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 2. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: ———-, while the early pioneers of intelligence testing were mostly interested in theoretical questions about the nature of intelligence. A) IQ tests initially ignored the development of intelligence B) Determining what intelligence is and how it changes has not been easy C) Theoretical issues in intelligence testing tradition have overshadowed practical ones D) Any

2012 İlkbahar KPDS 1. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu

 2012 Ä°lkbahar KPDS 1. Cümle Tamamlama Sorusu  Soru: Even if we have a lot of work, ———. A) we have some difficulties in making our future plans clear B) we do not usually complain about being busy C) there are various conditions that affect our behaviour D) we never tend to pay attention to relationships E) some details