kpds kelime soruları
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 1. Phrasalverbs Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: In non-literate societies, valuable information about the past is often enshrined in oral tradition – poems, hymns or sayings —- from generation to generation by word of mouth. A) taken off B) handed down C) thrown up D) kept off E) rooted out
10 Oct 2014
2012 Sonbahar KPDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Phobias are intense, irrational fears which cannot be —- even when the sufferer is aware, as is usually the case, that there is no reason for the fear. A) spoilt B) undergone C) foreseen D) initiated E) overcome
10 Oct 2014
2012 Sonbahar KPDS 3. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Scientists have developed a new blood test for Alzheimer’s disease that can —- identify 93% of people who have the condition. A) severely B) accurately C) separately D) abusively E) incidentally
10 Oct 2014
2012 Sonbahar KPDS 2. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: A new historical record offers —- evidence that Africans and their descendants contributed enormously to the formation of Mexican culture. A) frustrating B) inferior C) redundant D) devastating E) compelling
10 Oct 2014
2012 Sonbahar KPDS 1. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: The basic unit of currency of the Ottoman Empire was the silver akçe in which all the revenues and —- of the state were calculated. A) precautions B) conventions C) expenditures D) placements E) establishments
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Many scientists believe that our sanitized surroundings are —- allergic disorders in children, which have doubled in the last decade. A) extracting B) fulfilling C) unifying D) ensuring E) fostering
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 3. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Before they are allowed to be used, all medicines, including vaccines, are —- tested to assess how safe and effective they are. A) incidentally B) hazardously C) thoroughly D) fatally E) offensively
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 2. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: In some countries, such as Brazil and Russia, codes have been put in place to promote —- logging of forest ecosystems. A) applicable B) penetrable C) notable D) sustainable E) provable
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 1. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: UNICEF is deeply committed to creating a world in which all children, regardless of their gender or socioeconomic background, have —- to free, compulsory and quality education. A) access B) dedication C) insight D) addiction E) tendency
10 Oct 2014
2011 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Marie Elizabeth Zakrzevska is a German-born American physician who founded the New England Hospital for Women and Children and —— greatly to the acceptance of women as medical professionals. A) pertained B) attributed C) owed D) contributed E) applied
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