2012 kasım kpds
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Many scientists believe that our sanitized surroundings are —- allergic disorders in children, which have doubled in the last decade. A) extracting B) fulfilling C) unifying D) ensuring E) fostering
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 3. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Before they are allowed to be used, all medicines, including vaccines, are —- tested to assess how safe and effective they are. A) incidentally B) hazardously C) thoroughly D) fatally E) offensively
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 2. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: In some countries, such as Brazil and Russia, codes have been put in place to promote —- logging of forest ecosystems. A) applicable B) penetrable C) notable D) sustainable E) provable
10 Oct 2014
2013 İlkbahar YDS 1. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: UNICEF is deeply committed to creating a world in which all children, regardless of their gender or socioeconomic background, have —- to free, compulsory and quality education. A) access B) dedication C) insight D) addiction E) tendency
10 Oct 2014
2011 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Marie Elizabeth Zakrzevska is a German-born American physician who founded the New England Hospital for Women and Children and —— greatly to the acceptance of women as medical professionals. A) pertained B) attributed C) owed D) contributed E) applied
10 Oct 2014
2011 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 3. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: In Spanish literature, a la divino is the recasting of a secular work as a religious work, or more —— , a treatment of a secular theme in religious terms through the use of allegory, symbolism, and metaphor. A) externally B) respectively C) primarily D) decisively E) generally
10 Oct 2014
2011 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 2. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: Classifying is a fundemental cognitive process that refers to the sorting of objects, events, living things, and phenomena into clusters according to their —— characteristics. A) additional B) relative C) common D) ultimate E) necessary
10 Oct 2014
2011 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 1. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: The central government has called for tighter regulations on coastal development and is launching an ____ to remove illegal beach homes and hotels. A) observation B) initiative C) investment D) entitlement E) attachment
10 Oct 2014
2012 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 4. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: The European System of Central Banks, which —- a single monetary policy for the euro zone, consists of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt together with 15 national central banks. A) regulates B) signifies C) expresses D) provokes E) acquires
10 Oct 2014
2012 İlkbahar(Mayıs) KPDS 3. Kelime Sorusu ve Çözümü

Soru: The full stop is probably the most used form of punctuation, partly because almost everyone knows how to use it —-. A) considerably B) redundantly C) dominantly D) appropriately E) profoundly
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